• Trading

    Algorithmic trading - With the combined efforts of our traders and developers, O1ex has created trading algorithms that utilize quantitative strategies, order flow based strategies and options strategies to reap maximum profits. Algorithms are built (sound technical parameters such as volume spread and market movement), analyzed, backtested and executed on cloud infrastructure and then moved to the co-located server when data is received from exchanges.

    Live trading bench - We have a team of experienced traders with proven success in both the traditional market and the cryptocurrency market. We use thoughtful technical analysis substantiated by methodical market research & sentiment analysis to construct exchanging techniques, which has consistently created sound ROI in the bearish market.

  • Investment

    Pre & Post ICO investments - We identify phenomenal blockchain projects and make a strategic investment from 500 ETH to 2000 ETH.

    Equity Investments - Strategic investments to create world-class companies, bringing their entrepreneurial vision to reality. Our average investment ticket size is $2 million.

  • Advisory

    We offer full-suite solutions for corporates, institutional investors, family offices and HNWI. Our niche value propositions are to help ICOs and project teams to get early liquidity after fundraising rounds are concluded. We provide comprehensive support in accessing liquidity through our network of global banks and crypto exchanges.